An action includes one or more statements in one of the valid implementation languages. You can assign an action to a ⮫ “SFC Elements: Step and Transition ”.
Actions that you use in SFC steps have to be created as POUs in the project.

Exception: In the case of IEC actions, which you add to a step as action association,
you can also specify a Boolean variable instead of an action object. The value of
these variables is switched between FALSE
and TRUE
each time the "action" is executed.


You have to define unique step names within the scope of the "parent" POU. An action written in SFC must not contain a step with a name identical to the step to which the action is assigned.
There are "IEC actions" and "step actions".
See also: ⮫ SFC → Insert Action Association
IEC actions
Step actions
Difference between IEC actions and step actions