Function: The command assigns an IEC action to a step.
Call: “SFC” menu
Requirement: A step is selected.
CODESYS inserts the action element on the right next to the selected step element.
If you have already assigned one or more actions to the step, then they are displayed in an action list. The new action is then positioned as follows:
If you have selected the step element, then as the first action of the step (i. e. at first position of the action list).
If you have selected one of the available actions in the action list, then directly before (i. e. above the action).
The left section of the action element includes the N
qualifier by default. You enter the action name in the right section. To do this,
click in the box to get an editing frame. You have to have already created this action
as a POU in the project.
You can also edit the qualifier. A list of valid qualifiers is described in the "Qualifiers for Actions in SFC" chapter.
For more information, see: ⮫ “Command: Insert Action Association After ” and ⮫ “Qualifiers for Actions in SFC ”