Detects pointer additions for which the value to be added does not match the base size of the pointer. Only literals of the base size can be added. Also multiplication products of the base size cannot be added.
Justification: In CODESYS (in contrast to C and C++), when adding a pointer with an integer value, only this integer value is added as the number of bytes, and not the integer value multiplied by the base size. Example in ST:
pINT := ADR(array_of_int[0]) pINT := pINT + 2 ; // In CODESYS, pINT then points to array_of_int[1]
This code would function differently in C:
short* pShort pShort = &(array_of_short[0]) pShort = pShort + 2; // In C, pShort then points to array_of_short[2]
Therefore, in CODESYS, you should always add a multiple of the base size of the pointer to a pointer. Otherwise, the pointer may point to non-aligned memory which (depending on the processor) can lead to an alignment exception when accessing it.
Importance: High
VAR pudiTest:POINTER TO UDINT; udiTest:UDINT; prTest:POINTER TO REAL; rTest:REAL; END_VAR pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + 4; // OK pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + ( 2 + 2 ); // OK pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + SIZEOF(UDINT); // OK pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + 3; // SA0065 pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + 2*SIZEOF(UDINT); // SA0065 pudiTest := ADR(udiTest) + ( 3 + 2 ); // SA0065 prTest := ADR(rTest); prTest := prTest + 4; // OK prTest := prTest + ( 2 + 2 ); // OK prTest := prTest + SIZEOF(REAL); // OK prTest := prTest + 1; // SA0065 prTest := prTest + 2; // SA0065 prTest := prTest + 3; // SA0065 prTest := prTest + ( SIZEOF(REAL) - 1 ); // SA0065 prTest := prTest + ( 1 + 4 ); // SA0065 --> SA0065: Incorrect pointer addition to base size