Detects operations on variables of the enumeration data type Assignments are permitted.
Justification: Enumerations should not be used as ordinary integer values. You can also define an alias data type or use a subrange type.
Importance: Medium
Exception: If an enumeration is tagged with the pragma {attribute 'strict'}
, then the compiler already reports this kind of operation.
If an enumeration is declared as a flag by the pragma {attribute 'flags'}
, then an error is not issued for AND
, OR
, or oder XOR
TYPE My_Enum : ( red := 1, blue := 2, green := 3, black := 4 ); END_TYPE PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR iTemp1 : INT; abc : My_Enum; END_VAR iTemp1 := iTemp1 + INT#1; abc :=; // OK iTemp1 := /; // SA0058 iTemp1 := /; // SA0058 --> SA0058: Operations on enumeration variables
Example with a pragma {attribute 'flags'}
{attribute 'flags'} // declaring the enumeration as a "flag" TYPE Flags : ( Unknown := 16#00000001, Stopped := 16#00000002, Running := 16#00000004 ) DWORD; END_TYPE PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR iTemp1 : INT; abc : Flags; batate : BYTE; dwFlags : DWORD; dwState : DWORD; END_VAR // OK for the following IF (dwFlags AND Flags.Unknown) <> DWORD#0 THEN dwState := dwState AND Flags.Unknown; ELSIF (dwFlags OR Flags.Stopped) <>DWORD#0 THEN dwState := dwState OR Flags.Running; END_IF