Detects output variables (VAR_OUTPUT) that are accessed with read permission within the POU
Justification: According to the IEC 61131-3 standard, it is prohibited to read an output within a POU. This is an indication that the output is not only used as an output but also as a temporary variable for intermediate results. This kind of dual use should be avoided.
Importance: Low
VAR_GLOBAL g_xGlob AT %QX0.0 : BOOL ; g_iGlob AT %QW1 : INT ; END_VAR PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR_OUTPUT xVarOut1:BOOL; xVarOut2:INT; xVarOut3:INT; END_VAR VAR iCondition : INT; END_VAR iCondition := iCondition + INT#1; CASE iCondition OF INT#1: xVarOut1 := g_xGlob; xVarOut2 := g_iGlob; INT#2: xVarOut3 := xVarOut2; // SA0038 ELSE xVarOut1 := FALSE; g_xGlob := xVarOut1; // SA0038 xVarOut2 := INT#0; xVarOut3 := INT#-1; END_CASE --> SA0038: Read access to output variable 'xVarOUT2' --> SA0038: Read access to output variable 'xVarOUT1'