Detects function, method and property calls in which the return value is not used
Justification: When a function or method returns a return value, it should also be evaluated. The return value often indicates whether or not the function was executed successfully. If not, then you will not be able to identify later whether the return value was forgotten or if it is actually not needed.
Exception: If a return value is irrelevant to the call, then you can document this and omit the assignment. Error returns should never be ignored.
Importance: Medium
PLCopen rule: CP7 / CP17
FUNCTION Return_BOOL : BOOL VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR xTest : BOOL; END_VAR xTest := FALSE; Return_BOOL := xTest; PROGRAM PLC_PRG Return_BOOL (); // SA0009 --> SA0009: Ignoring return value of 'Return_Bool'