Detects out-of-range violations of subrange types. Assigned literals are already checked by the compiler. When constants are assigned, then the values must be within the defined range. When variables are assigned, then the data types must be identical.
Justification: If subrange types are used, then make sure that this subrange is not exited. The compiler checks for these kinds of subrange violations only for assignments of constants.
Importance: Low
The check is not performed for CFC objects because the code structure does not allow for it.
VAR_GLOBAL iVarGlob:INT; END_VAR PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR iSubr1: INT (INT#1..INT#10); iSubr2: INT (INT#1..INT#1000); iCount: INT; by_SubType : BYTE (BYTE#0..BYTE#11); iVar : INT (-4095..4095); END_VAR iSubr1 := nCount; // SA0008 iSubr1 := subr2; // SA0008 iSubr1 := gvl.iVarGlob; // SA0008 //byBYTE_SubType := BYTE#123; //already detected by compiler, error "Cannot convert type..." --> SA0008: Subrange variable 'iSubr1' maybe out of allowed range