Firmware packages can be downloaded from ⮫ ABB website or exported from Automation Builder.
In Automation Builder, you can choose if you want to export the firmware only or, in addition, the boot project as well. If the boot project does not exist yet, it will be created automatically.
The memory card will contain the firmware of the PLC, the firmware of the communication modules, the application, the visualizations and all related objects (like text lists).
Fig. 287: Example Right-click “Application” in the device tree.
Select “Export Boot project and firmware” or “Export Firmware”.
Choose a location for the export folder.
Select [Make New Folder] and type in "MEMORY CARD".
Select [OK] to add the folder.
Select folder “MEMORY CARD”.
The "MEMORY CARD" structure has been created and the firmware and application have been exported.
The created "MEMORY CARD" folder does not contain user data, remanent data, config data, safety PLC power dip data and safety PLC password.
Add this data if required by the used application.
Copy all subfolders and files of the "MEMORY CARD" folder to a memory card.
The copy process can be performed with the Automation Builder software with the memory card inserted in the processor module or with the PC with a suitable memory card slot.
Copy process with Automation Builder software
Insert memory card into the processor module.
Connect the PC to the processor module with an Ethernet cable.
In Automation Builder, log-in to the processor module.
Double-click on the processor module in the device tree and select “Files”.
On the right side, select and open the folder “sdcard”.
On the left side, select all the subfolders and files of the MEMORY CARD folder, but not the folder itself.
Copy all selected subfolders and files from the left side to the memory card by clicking
to the right side.
Copy process on the PC
Insert the memory card into the PC.
Mark all subfolders and files of the "MEMORY CARD" folder, but not the "MEMORY CARD" folder itself, and copy them.
Select the memory card and paste the copied subfolders and files.