Provide the project file with the desired protection before saving it in the file system; see above. For a read-only project file you are given various options so that you can still save the file, depending on the type of write protection.
If the project should be opened later in an older CODESYS version, then it makes sense to save the project for exactly this version because CODESYS will then notify you immediately about possible data loss.
If you want to save library projects, see the ⮫ guidelines for creating libraries. Also consider the possibility of installing a library directly in a library repository.
If you want to continue to use a project on another computer, it makes sense not only to save the project file, but also to create a ⮫ project archive from all relevant auxiliary files.
You can make a setting so that a backup copy of this project is created each time the project is saved. In addition you can configure CODESYS so that projects are generally automatically saved at certain time intervals. For more information, see: ⮫ “Dialog: Options: Load and Save ”
If you want to keep projects in a ⮫ source code management system, consider the corresponding add-ons for CODESYS. For example, the link to SVN is supported.