After executing the command 'Project' 'Compare' the dialog Project Comparison opens:
Insert the path of the reference project at Project to compare⮫ “'Project' 'Compare'”. Press [...] if you want to use the standard dialog for opening a project. If you insert the name of the actual project, the current version of the project will be compared with the version which was saved last.
If the project is under source control in an ENI data base, then the local version can be compared with the actual version found in the data base. For this activate option Compare with ENI-Project.
The following options concerning the comparison can be activated:
Ignore whitespaces: There will be detected no differences which consist in a different number of whitespaces.
Ignore comments: There will be detected no differences in comments.
Ignore properties: There will be detected no differences in object properties.
Compare differences: If a line, a network or an element within a POU has been modified, in compare mode it will be displayed in the bipartited window directly opposite to the version of the other project (marked red, see below). If the option is deactivated, the corresponding line will be displayed in the reference project as 'deleted' and in the actual project as 'inserted' (blue/green, see below). This means it will not be displayed directly opposite to the same line in the other project.
Line 0005 has been modified in actual project (left side).

When the dialog 'Project Comparison' is closed by pressing OK, the comparison will be executed according to the settings.