AC500 as IED can act as IEC 61850 MMS server (Example A) and / or GOOSE Publisher and Subscriber (Example B). Most of the engineering steps are common and are explained in this chapter. The examples projects A and B can be found in the Automation Builder example folder.
Example projects for the libraries can be found in the example folder: “Help Project examples” in the Automation Builder menu.
Prerequisite: Install the related library package with Automation Builder Installation Manager - [Modify].
Example A
Communicating through MMS server:
A simulated switch in AC500 which can be operated from an operator IED and sends back its status through an MMS report.

Example B
Communication though GOOSE:
AC500 publishes a GOOSE control block (e.g. “ping”) to another IED (for example REF615 or a second AC500), which itself sends back a GOOSE control block (e.g. “pong”), that is subscribed by AC500 IED.

For engineering of the above functionalities, the Automation Builder is acting as IED configurator tool according to IEC 61850-6. The following engineering steps (yellow circles in the figures above) need to be executed:
Configure the “IEC 61850 Server” with logical nodes, which are connected to global variables in the IEC 61131 application.
Group data objects and attributes of the logical nodes into data sets.
Publish data sets as MMS report.
Publish data sets as GOOSE Publisher.
Export server as *.cid file. So that other IEDs can access logical nodes and data sets and subscribe to MMS reports or GOOSE control blocks.
Configure GOOSE Subscriber to subscribe GOOSE control blocks from other IEDs after importing *.cid or *.scd files. The control blocks are connected to the “PLC_PRG (PRG)” application.
Generate code for IEC 61850 POUs.
Generate the application “PLC_PRG (PRG)” including logical node functionality.