This is the web edition of the original ⮫ AC500-S safety user manual, version 1.3.2. This web edition is provided for quick reference only. The original safety user manual must be used to meet functional safety application requirements. |
In this example, two contacts of the guard switch are connected to a safety input device, which realizes the error detection. The resulting BOOL signal is mapped to the two input channels of the SF_Guard_1.
The diagnostic information retrieval has not been covered in this example. For this, refer to⮫ “Additional notes”. The input parameter Activate for the dynamic FB activation has been set to TRUE. However, in an application, this can be replaced by a variable.
Information about the used function block parameters
Function block |
Input |
Constant value |
Description |
SF_EmergencyStop_1 |
S_StartReset |
Automatic reset allowed when PES is started |
S_AutoReset |
No automatic reset, user reset/acknowledge necessary |
SF_Guard_1 |
S_StartReset |
Automatic reset allowed when PES is started |
S_AutoReset |
No automatic reset, user reset/acknowledge necessary |
DiscrepancyTime |
T#0ms |
The discrepancy time between both safety inputs S_GuardSwitchX is not monitored, because they are identical and since the input unit provides one signal of type BOOL from the contactors. |
SF_MutingSeq_1 |
S_StartReset |
Automatic reset allowed when PES is started |
MaxMutingTime |
T#30s |
The maximum muting time is monitored to be within 30 s |
SF_LightCurtain_1 |
S_StartReset |
Automatic reset allowed when PES is started |
S_AutoReset |
No automatic reset, user reset/acknowledge necessary |
TestTime |
T#100ms |
The maximum test time is monitored to be within 100 ms |
NoExternalTest |
The external manual sensor test is not supported. |
SF_OutControl_1 |
S_StartReset |
No automatic reset allowed when PES is started |
S_AutoReset |
No automatic reset, user reset/acknowledge necessary |
StaticControl |
A dynamic change of the signal ApplCtrl1 (rising edge) is required after block activation or a triggered safety function (S_SafeControl = FALSE). |
SF_EDM_1 |
MonitoringTime |
T#30ms |
The maximum response time of both feedback signals EDM1 and EDM2 are monitored to be within 30 ms. |