This is the web edition of the original ⮫ AC500-S safety user manual, version 1.3.2. This web edition is provided for quick reference only. The original safety user manual must be used to meet functional safety application requirements. |

Sending data from the safety CPU to non-safety CPU
The SF_DPRAM_PM5XX_S_SEND function block is used to send data to the non-safety CPU. The data to be sent is available in the memory area (DATA, memory address for data to be transmitted, provided via ADR operator). The function block is activated with a TRUE signal (FALSE/TRUE edge) at input EN. The length of the data to be transmitted is specified in bytes at input DATA_LEN. DONE = TRUE and ERR = FALSE indicate that the sending process was successful. If an error was detected during function block processing, the error is indicated at the outputs ERR and ERNO.


If FB SF_DPRAM_PM5XX_S_SEND is used to send safety data from safety CPU to non-safety CPU, then SIL 3 (IEC 61508 and IEC 62061) and PL e (ISO 13849-1) functional safety requirements will not be fulfilled for sent data (independently on application safety communication profile used), because only one microprocessor (no 1oo2 safety architecture in the background) on safety CPU handles the sending direction.
Contact ABB technical support on how to reach SIL 3 and PL e.


Sending data using the SF_DPRAM_PM5XX_S_SEND function block is edge-triggered, i.e. each sending process is initiated by a FALSE/TRUE edge at input EN.


This function block is activated by a positive edge of the input variable EN. During the cycle where the function block notices that the operation is finished (output DONE = TRUE) it will set the output variables only for one cycle. When the function block is called again it will reset the output variables immediately.
Name |
Data type |
Initial value |
Description, parameter values |
EN |
Enabling of function block processing. Processing of this function block is controlled by input EN. The data transfer is initiated by a FALSE/TRUE edge. The sending of data is indicated by output DONE. |
16#00000000 |
Input DATA is used to specify the address of the variable the user data are to be copied to. The address specified at DATA has to belong to a variable of the type ARRAY or STRUCT. Set the variable size to the maximum expected amount of data in order to avoid overlapping of memory areas. |
16#00000000 |
The length of the data to be transmitted is specified in bytes at input DATA_LEN. The maximum number is 84. |
Output DONE indicates the sending of data. This output always has to be considered together with output ERR. The following applies:
Output ERR indicates whether an error occurred during sending. This output always has to be considered together with output DONE. The following applies if an error occurred during sending: DONE = TRUE and ERR = TRUE. Output ERNO indicates the error number. |
16#0000 |
Error number⮫ [3]. Output ERNO provides an error identifier if an invalid value has been applied to an input or if an error occurred during job processing. ERNO always has to be considered together with the outputs DONE and ERR. The output value at ERNO is only valid if DONE = TRUE and ERR = TRUE. |
Call in ST
PM5xxSend (EN := PM5xxSend_EN, DATA := ADR(PM5xxSend_DATA), DATA_LEN := PM5xxSend_DATA_LEN, DONE => PM5xxSend_DONE, ERR => PM5xxSend_ERR, ERNO => PM5xxSend_ERNO);