If you choose this category in the “Options” dialog box, then you get the following dialog box:
You can make the following settings for the Editors:
Autodeclaration: If this option is activated , then after the input of a not-yet-declared variable a dialog box will appear in all editors with which this variable can be declared.
List components: If this option is activated, then the Intellisense functionality will be available to work as an input assistant. This means that if you insert a dot at a position where a identifier should be inserted, then a selection list will open, offering all global variables which are found in the project. If you insert the name of a function block instance, then you will get a selection list of all inputs and outputs of the instanced function block. The Intellisense function is available in editors, in the Watch- and Receiptmanager, in visualizations and in the Sampling Trace.
Declarations as tables: If this option is activated, then you can edit variables in a table instead of using the usual declaration editor. This table is sorted like a card box, where you find tabs for input variables, output variables local variables and in_out variables. For each variable there are edit fields to insert Name,Address, Type, Initial and Comment.
Tab-Width: In the field Tab-Width in the category Editor of the Options dialog box you can determine the width of a tab as shown in the editors. The default setting is four characters, whereby the character width depends upon the font which is chosen.
Font: By clicking on the button Font in the category Editor of the Options dialog box you can choose the font in all editors. The font size is the basic unit for all drawing operations. The choice of a larger font size thus enlarges the printout, even with each editor.
After you have entered the command, the font dialog box opens for choosing the font, style and font size.
Mark: When choosing Mark in the Editor category in the Options dialog box you can choose whether the current selection in your graphic editors should be represented by a dotted rectangle (Dotted), a rectangle with continuous lines (Line) or by a filled-in rectangle (Filled). In the last case the selection is shown inverted.
Bitvalues: When choosing Bitvalues in the category Editor of the Options dialog box you can choose whether binary data (type BYTE, WORD, DWORD) during monitoring should be shown Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Binary.
Suppress monitoring of complex types (Array, Pointer, VAR_IN_OUT): If this option is activated, complex data types like arrays, pointers, VAR_IN_OUTs will not get displayed in the monitoring window in online mode.
Show POU symbols: If this option is activated, in the module boxes which are inserted to a graphic editor, additionally symbols will get displayed, if those are available in the library folder as bitmaps. The name of the bitmap-file must be composed of the name of the module and the extension ".bmp". Example: For module TON there is a symbol file TON.bmp available. The box will be displayed as follows:

The settings will be stored in CODESYS.