You program a POU in each case in the editor for the implementation language which you have selected when you created the POU. CODESYS provides a text editor for ST and graphical editors for SFC, FBD/LD/IL, and CFC.
You open the editor by double-clicking the POU in the device tree or in the “POUs” view.
Each of the implementation language editors consists of two sub-windows:
In the top part, you define the declarations in the “declaration editor”, depending on the setting in textual or tabular form.
In the bottom part, you insert the implementation code in the respective language.
You can configure the appearance and behavior of each editor throughout the project in the corresponding tab of the CODESYS options.
Declaration Editor
Common Functions in Graphical Editors
SFC editor
CFC editor
Structured Text and Extended Structured Text (ExST)