If you choose this category in the Options dialog box, then you get the following dialog box:
To protect your files from unauthorized access use a password to protect against your files being opened or changed.
Enter the desired password in the field Password. For each typed character an asterisk (*) appears in the field. You must repeat the same word in the field Confirm Password. Close the dialog box with OK. If you get the message:
"The password does not agree with the
then you made a typing error during one of the two entries. In this case repeat both entries until the dialog box closes without a message.
If you now save the file and then reopen it, then you get a dialog box in which you are requested to enter the password. The project can then only be opened if you enter the correct password.
Along with the opening of the file, you can also use a password to protect against the file being changed. For this you must enter a password in the field Write Protection Password and confirm this entry in the field underneath.
A write-protected project can be opened without a password. For this, press the button Cancel, if a message is prompted to enter the write protection password when opening a file. Now you can compile the project, load it into the PLC, simulate, etc., but you cannot change it.
The passwords are saved with the project.
In order to create differentiated access rights you can define user groups and 'Passwords for user groups').
Additionally regard the extended possibilities to protect a project by encryption which for example can help to protect a library from getting used without having entered a key.
The settings will be stored in the project.