In a high availability system one of the following redundancy solutions can be configured:
AC500 High Availability CS31 redundancy (HA-CS31)
AC500 High Availability Modbus redundancy (HA-Modbus TCP)
PROFINET redundancy based on HA-Modbus TCP without CI52x modules.
Normally, two PROFINET IO controllers CM579-PNIO connect to the devices simultaneously. One controller establishes a primary connection that is identical to a regular PROFINET connection. The second controller establishes a special ‘backup’ connection. This connection doesn’t contain any valid output data and doesn’t allow the secondary controller to change any options on the devices. If the primary controller fails, the second parallel controller takes over the tasks of the first.
How to set-up and configure PROFINET redundancy communication based on HA-Modbus TCP (without CI52xs modules) is described in the application example ⮫ PROFINET redundancy.
Network redundancy
The Media Redundancy Protocol allows in smaller systems rings of Ethernet switches to overcome any single failure with a maximum recovery times in the following range: 10 ms, 30 ms, 200 ms and 500 ms.