You use branches to program parallel or alternative sequences in the sequential function chart.
In the case of alternative branches, CODESYS processes just one of the branch lines at a time, depending on the preceding transition condition. Parallel branches are processed at the same time.
For more information, see: ⮫ “Programming in SFC ”, ⮫ “Creating a POU in SFC ”, ⮫ “Adding a step-transition ”, ⮫ “Adding an entry action ”, ⮫ “Adding an exit action ”, ⮫ “Adding an action ”, ⮫ “Adding an alternative branch ”, ⮫ “Adding a jump ”, ⮫ “Adding a macro ”, ⮫ “Adding an association ” and ⮫ “Processing Order in SFC ”
See also: ⮫ Alternative
See also: ⮫ Parallel
Parallel branches
Alternative branch