The module has 2 rotary switches to set an explicit name to the PROFINET IO device before commissioning. No engineering tool is needed in this case.
The device gets its name (including the fixed part of the device name) with the switch settings (01h...FFh). This name can be used directly within the device configuration: “CI5xx-pn-yy”
"CI5xx-pn-yy” xx is the fixed part of the device name (e.g. CI501) and yy represents the position of the rotary switch (0..FFh). The rotary switch values must be entered in hexadecimal format. For example, to set the name to “CI5xx-pn-08”, set the upper rotary switch to “0” and the lower switch to “8”.
The module reads the position of the rotary switches only during power-up, i.e. changes of the switch position during operation will have no effect until the next module initialization.