Function: The command opens the “Online Change Memory Reserve” view.
Call: “View” menu
In the view, memory reserves are configured for function blocks during the online change.
“Scan Application” |
List box with the applications of the open project |
Selection of the application whose function blocks should be displayed and/or edited in this view |
“All” |
All function blocks of the selected application are displayed. |
“Pool” |
All function blocks of the “POUs” view which are displayed are referenced in the application. |
“No memory reserve” |
All function blocks with a memory reserve of 0 bytes are displayed. |
“<memory reserve> bytes” |
Display of all function blocks with the number of bytes is displayed that is defined in “Memory reserve” |
Information about the function blocks Multiselection is also possible when selecting a POU for the configuration of the memory reserve. |
“Function block” |
Name of the function block |
“Size” |
Size of the function block Size of an instance of a function block Specified in bytes |
“Instance count” |
Number of instances of a function block in the project |
“Memory reserve” |
Display of the memory reserve for each instance of the function block |
“Additional memory for all instances” |
Product of “Instance count” and “Memory reserve” |
“Remaining size of memory reserve” |
Number of bytes which are available as reserve |
“Memory reserve (in bytes)” |
Input field for the memory reserve for the selected function block Specified in bytes Requirement: The application does not yet exist on the controller or you have clicked the “Enable” button in the “Enable Editing” area to allow the memory reserve to be changed. |
“Apply For Selection” |
The “Memory reserve (in bytes)” is assigned to the function block and the “Memory reserve” column is refreshed. In multiselection, the specified value is assigned to each function block. In order to update the “Size”, “Instance count”, “Additional memory for all instances”, and “Remaining size of memory reserve” columns, click “Build Build”, and finally click the “Scan Application” button. |
“Edit” |
The “Memory reserve (in bytes)” field is editable. This button is modified in “Editable”. |
“No. of FBs” |
Total number of function blocks in the application |
“Additional memory used by all instances” |
Sum of the memory reserves of all function block instances of the application Specified in bytes |
For more information, see: ⮫ “Configuring the Memory Reserve for an Online Change ”