Command: 'Project' 'Data Base Link' 'Show Version History'
For the currently marked object in the Object organizer a dialog Version history of <object name> will be opened. There all versions of the object are listed which have been checked in to the data base or which have been labeled there:
The following information is given:
Version: Data base specific numbering of the versions of the object which have been checked in one after the other. Labeled versions get no version number but are marked by a label-icon.
User: Name of the user, who has executed the check-in or labeling action
Date: Date and time stamp of the action
Action: Type of the action which has been executed. Possible types: 'created' (the object has been checked in to the data base for the first time), 'checked in' (all check-ins of the object excluding the first one) and labeled with <label> (a label has been assigned to this version of the object )
The buttons:
Close: The dialog will be closed.
Display: The version which is currently marked in the table will be opened. The title bar shows: ENI: <name of the project in the data base>/<object name>
Details: The dialog 'Details of Version History' will open:
File (name of the project and the object in the data base), Version (see above), Date (see above), User (see above), Comment (Comment which has been inserted when the object has been checked in resp. has been labeled). Use the buttons Next resp. Previous to jump to the details window of the next or previous entry in the table in dialog 'Version history of ..'.
Get latest version: The version which is marked in the table will be loaded and there will overwrite the local version.
Differences: If in the table only one version of an object is marked, then this command will cause a comparison of this version with the latest (actual) data base version. If two versions are marked, then those will be compared. The differences are displayed in a bipartited window like it is done at the project comparison.
Reset version: The version which is marked in the table will be set as latest version. All versions which have been checked in later will be deleted ! This can be useful to restore an earlier status of an object.
Labels only: If this option is activated, then only those versions of the object will be displayed in the table, which are marked by a label.
Selection box below the option 'Labels only': Here you find the names of all users which have executed any data base actions for objects of the current project. Select 'All' or one of the names if you want to get the version history concerning all users or just for a certain one.