Shortcut: <F11>
The project is compiled using 'Project' 'Build'. The compilation process is basically incremental, that is only changed POUs are recompiled. The necessary information about the last compilation is stored in a *.ci-file when the project is saved. A non-incremental compilation can also be obtained if the command 'Project' 'Clear all' is first executed.
For target systems that support Online Change, all POUs that will be loaded into the controller on the next download are marked with a blue arrow in the Object Organizer after compilation.
The compilation process that is carried out with 'Project' 'Build' occurs automatically if the controller is logged-in via 'Online' 'Login'⮫ “'Online' 'Login'”.
See online login for a diagram showing the relations between Project-Build, Project-Download, Online Change and Login on the target systemFigure.
During compilation a message window is opened which shows the progress of the compilation process, any errors and warnings which may occur during compilation as well as information on the used POU indices and memory space (number and percentage). Errors and warnings are marked with numbers. Using F1 you get more information about the currently selected error.
See the listing of all available error messages and warnings⮫ “1100”.
If the option 'Save before compilation' is selected in the options dialog of the Load & Save category, the project is stored before compilation.
An object, or several objects, selected in the Object Organizer can be excluded from compilation by command 'Exclude from build' which is available in the context menu, or via an appropriate configuration ('Exclude objects') in the Options for Build.
Cross references are created during compilation and are stored with the compilation information. In order to be able to use the command 'Show Call Tree', and to get up to date results with the commands 'Show Cross Reference' and 'Unused variables', 'Overlapping memory areas', '', 'Multiple Writes to output', rebuild the project after any change⮫ “'Project' 'Show call tree'”⮫ “'Project' 'Show cross reference'”⮫ “Concurrent access”⮫ “'Project' 'Check'”.