What is version control?
Apache™ Subversion® (SVN) is a tool for version and revision management of current and previous versions of files, such as source code, websites, and documentation. Apache™ Subversion® is a registered trademark of the Apache Software Foundation.
Revision management (also known as version control, version management, and source code management) is the management of changes to documents, programs, and other information that is stored as computer files. Version control is employed frequently in software development when a team of employees works on the same files.
Tracking of changes in revisions: At any time, you can show who made which changes at which time.
Restoring of old revisions of individual files: At any time, you can reverse accidental changes to files.
Archiving of special revisions of a project: At any time, you can revert to older versions.
Coordination of shared access of developers to data
Development of a project at the same time in multiple branches
Script Engine SVN Add-on API
Professional Version Control provides a scripting-interface for SVN.