Detects the instances of function blocks that are called multiple times. To do this,
the function blocks haves to be marked with the pragma {attribute 'analysis:report-multiple-instance-calls'}
Justification: Some function blocks are designed in such as way that they can be called only one time in the cycle. This test checks whether or not a call is made in multiple locations.
Importance: Low
PLCopen rule: CP16 / CP20
// {attribute 'analysis:report-multiple-instance-calls'} Deactivated FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_DoA VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR iA : INT; END_VAR iA := iA + 1; {attribute 'analysis:report-multiple-instance-calls'} FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_DoB VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR iB : INT; END_VAR iB := iB +1; PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR fbA : FB_DoA; fbB : FB_DoB; ND_VAR fbA(); fbB(); // SA0105 fbA(); fbB(); // SA0105 --> SA0105: Instance 'fbB' called more than once