Use recipes to change or read recipes values for a specific set of variables (recipe definition) on the controller at the same time.
You define the basic settings for recipes, such as location and format, in the object. Insert any number of below this object.
You can save a recipe to a file or write directly from files to the PLC.
Recipes can be called via the CODESYS development interface, the visualization element, or the application program.
Using recipes on remote devices
Using recipes on remote devices
If data source variables are involved and a data source exchange is configured, then variable values from recipes are automatically transferred to/from another controller. Reading and writing occurs synchronously. This means that all variables configured in a recipe definition are updated at the same time.
After reading or writing, you can use the call g_RecipeManager.LastError
to check whether or not the transfer was successful (g_RecipeManager.LastError = 0
See also:
Calling recipe commands in the CODESYS user interface
Calling recipe commands programmatically or in a visualization
Special functionality for floating-point numbers
Creating a recipe
Loading a recipe from a file
Recipe management on the controller; memory usage
Loading recipe values from the controller