You can use the “Project Information” object to retrieve information about your project and the associated file, and edit certain information.
The object contains information about
File attributes
Meta-information, such as vendor, title, or author
Properties with keys
Signing: This way of signing translated libraries is deprecated, and for security reasons should only be used if compatibility with older versions is required. If this method is used, then later you can use a public key token to verify that the library was last signed by the library vendor. It is therefore crucial that, as a library vendor, you make the public key used available to the customer, for example in the documentation.
CODESYS saves the project information as an object within the project. When you transfer a project to another system, the “Project Information” object is transferred with it. There is no need for a project archive.
You can use property keys to access the project information externally via function blocks. For a library project, you can also query information about the licensing.
See also: ⮫ Save Project as Compiled Library
See also: ⮫ Project Information
Editing meta-information
Creating functions for accessing properties
Licensing library projects