In addition to the parameters defined by the GSDML file, some PROFINET and PROFIsafe devices require additional configuration. Therefore, these devices require proprietary software tools to set their parameters. The PROFIBUS organization (PNO) specifies the “iPar Server” as the standardized functionality for handling such parameters. For further information, refer to the “iPar Server” guidelines of the PNO.
The “iPar Server” can be used to generically save and restore the iParameters of PROFINET and PROFIsafe devices in a generic way. The intended use case is to save and restore the device parameters during the commissioning and maintenance independently of proprietary software tools . They are saved in the AC500 PLC during the commissioning of a PROFINET or PROFIsafe device and can be restored without any additional software tools if a device has to replaced.
For the CM579-PNIO PROFINET controller, the “iPar Server” functionality is implemented as function block in the library ABB_IParServer_AC500.lib of the AC500 V3 CPUs, which shall be used in PLC application and configured according to the library documentation.