Function: When this command is called, the Y-axis of the trace diagram is automatically scaled so that all graphs are displayed optimally afterwards. The Y-values fit into the visible area of the diagram. Then the command is displayed as selected in the menu (command with a check mark).
Call: “Trace” menu; context menu
Requirement: The trace is running. For this, you have previously created a trace, specified a fixed scale for the Y-axis, and executed the “Download Trace” command.
The command can be toggled. When you click the enabled command in the menu, the display which was automatically adjusted to the Y-axis changes back to the previously configured fixed display.
Function: When this command is called, the Y-axis of the trace diagram is automatically scaled so that all graphs are displayed optimally afterwards. The Y-values fit into the visible area of the diagram. Then the command is displayed as selected in the menu (command with a check mark).
Trace in a single-channel display
Trace in a multi-channel display