Short key: <Alt>+<X>+<W>
Out of the POU editors in the project you can directly add variables to a watch list.
When one or multiple variables or elements are selected in an editor, they can directly be added to one of the existing watch lists via command 'Add to watch list' ('Extras' menu or context menu). It is not necessary to deactivate the monitoring for this purpose⮫ “'Extras' 'Monitoring Active'”.
For function blocks the command only will be available, if the full instance path of a variable within the POU is known.
Notes on the element selection in the POU editors:
Basically particular variables can be selected like usual for the respective editor. Additionally the following is true:
In the FBD editor all elements on the left of a selected element will automatically be selected too. For example also the inputs a and b of an AND box will be selected when you select the AND box.
In the Ladder editor multiple elements can be selected by keeping the <Shift> key pressed while clicking on the desired elements.
In the declaration parts of GVLs and POUs only particular variables can be selected.