Basically the PLC browser makes available the standard commands hard-coded in the runtime system. It is concerned with functions for direct memory manipulation, for the output of project- and status functions as well as for runtime monitoring. They are described in the browser's ini-file, which is an integral part of the Target Support Package. These standard commands can be further supplemented by specialized ones, e.g. self-diagnostic functions or other status messages of the control application. The expansion of the command list must be carried out both in the customer interface in the runtime system as well as through additional entries in the Browser ini-file.
When opening the project the command list available in the PLC browser is generated based on the entries in the Browser ini-file. It can be accessed as input help using the [...] key in the dialog "Insert standard command" or using [F2]. Also the command 'Insert' 'Standard commands' can be used to get the command list. A command can be typed in manually to the command line or it can be selected from the list by a double-click on the appropriate entry.
The general command syntax is:
The keyword is the command. With which parameters it can be expanded is described in the respective tooltip in the entry help window.
The command, which has been sent, is repeated in the output data window, the controller's response appears below it.
Request for the project Id from the controller with the command "pid"
Entry in command line:
Output in result window:
Project-ID: 16#0025CFDA
A help text can be supplied for each standard command with ?<BLANK><KEYWORD>. This is similarly defined in the ini-file.
The following commands are firmly integrated in the runtime system and contained in the ini-file with the corresponding entries for entry help, tooltips and help:
Command |
Description |
? |
The runtime system supplies a list of the available commands. The list is independent of the status of the description files of the target system. |
mem |
Hexdump of a memory area Syntax 1: mem <start address> <end address> Addresses can be entered decimal, hexadecimal (Prefix 16#) or as a macro. |
memc |
Hexdump relative to the start address of the code in the controller; like mem, the data are added to the code area start address. |
memd |
Hexdump relative to the data base address in the controller; like mem, the data are added to the data area start address. |
reflect |
Reflect current command line, for test purposes. |
dpt |
Read and display data-pointer table. |
ppt |
Read and display POU table. |
pid |
Read and display project Id. |
pinf |
Read and display project info (see 'Project' 'Project Info'). |
tsk |
Show list of IEC-tasks incl. task infos defined in the project. |
startprg |
Start PLC program ('Online' 'Start'). |
stopprg |
Stop PLC program ('Online' 'Stop'). |
resetprg |
Reset PLC program. Only not-retentive data get initialized. ('Online' 'Reset). |
resetprgcold |
Reset PLC program cold. Retentive data also get initialized. ('Online' 'Reset (cold)'). |
resetprgorg |
Reset PLC program original. The current application program as well as all data (incl. retentive and persistent) are deleted. |
('Online' 'Reset (origin)'). |
reload |
Reload boot project. |
getprgprop |
Read and display program properties (Name, title, version author, date). |
getprgstat |
Read and display program status (e.g. "run", "stop", last error, flags) |
filedir |
File command "dir". List of files in the PLC directory. |
filecopy |
Copy file [from] [to]. Example: "filecopy filename.txt filename2.txt". |
filerename |
Rename files on PLC [old] [new]. Example: filerename oldname.txt newname.txt". |
filedelete |
Delete file on PLC; Example: "filedelete file.xml". |
saveretain |
Save retain variables. The name of the save file will be displayed afterwards. |
restoreretain |
Load retain variables. The name of the save file, from which the variables values are restored, will be displayed. |
setpwd |
Set password on controller; Syntax: setpwd <password> [level], e.g. "setpwd abcde 0" <level> can be "0" (default) just valid concerning logins from the programming system, or "1" valid for all applications |
delpwd |
Delete password on PLC. |
Please regard:
The first word of the command sequence entered is interpreted as keyword (<KEYWORD>).
If the first word of the command entry is not recognized by the controller, the response 'Keyword not found' will appear in the result window.
If a keyword is preceded by a "?<SPACE>" (e.g. "? mem"), the ini-file will be searched for the existence of a help section to this keyword. If one is available, nothing is sent to the controller, but only the help text is displayed in the output data window.