After an update of Automation Builder the device repository contains only ABB devices. The third party devices which were installed into previous versions of Automation Builder are not automatically installed in the newest version profile. This has to be triggered by the user.
The feature “Migrate third party devices” is available as of Automation Builder 2.1.1.
Click “Tools” in the main menu of Automation Builder.
Click “Migrate third party devices” in the drop-down list.
The window “Version profile selection” appears.
Select a version profile in the drop-down list containing previous Automation Builder / Control Builder Plus profiles. The active profile does not appear in the list.
After selection of a previous version profile, all the third party devices which have been installed inside this version profile are listed.
It is not possible to select or deselect some third party devices. Importing will affect all the third party devices which are listed in the list view.
Select [Import].
During the migration the message window displays success or failure of device migration.
In case of failure during the migration the affected third party device description has to be installed manually via main menu “Tools Device Repository Install”.
In the status bar, the third party device which is on “Migrating: <...>” is displayed on the left side.
The import operation can be cancelled by clicking the “Click here to CANCEL this operation” link on the right side of the status bar. This becomes effective when the migration of the just migrating third party device is finished.
To close the dialog select the [Close] button of the Version profile selection.