Function: In this dialog, you define the network properties for the variable list which is selected in the device tree. Furthermore, any variables in it which are declared as network variables are also available.
Call: “Context menu of the variable list in the device tree Properties”, “Network Variables” tab
“Network type” |
“Task” |
Task of the current application which controls the variables to be sent CODESYS always sends the variables at the end of a task cycle. |
“List identifier” |
Used to identify the network variable list Has to be unique |
“Pack variables” |
The size of the packages (telegrams) that are transmitted depends on the network type. In the case of “UDP”, a package is 256 bytes.
“Transmit checksum” |
“Acknowledgment” |
Note: For the |
“Cyclic transmission”, “Interval” |
CODESYS sends the variables within the defined interval. Example for time definition: "T#70ms" |
“Transmit on change”, “Minimum gap” |
“Transmit on event”, “Variable” |
“Settings” |
Protocol-specific settings Possible entries depend on the network library: “Port”: Number of the port which CODESYS uses for data exchange with other network units The “Default value” is "1202". You can change the current value at any time in the “Value” field: Select the field, press the [Space Bar], and specify the value. Caution: The other nodes in the network have to define the same port. If more than one UDP connection is defined in the project, then the port numbers in all configurations are adapted to this value. “Broadcast Adr.”: The “Default value” is, which means that data exchange will take place with all network units. You can change the current value at any time in the “Value” field: Select the field, press the [Space Bar], and specify the address or address range of a subnetwork. Example: |
For more information, see: