This command resets – with exception of the retain variables (VAR RETAIN) - all variables to that specific value, with which they have got initialized (also those variables which have been declared as VAR PERSISTENT!). If you have initialized the variables with a specific value, then this command will reset the variables to the initialized value. All other variables are set at a standard initialization (for example, integers at 0). As a precautionary measure, you must confirm your decision before all of the variables are overwritten. The situation is that which occurs in the event of a power failure or by turning the controller off, then on (warm restart) while the program is running.
Use the 'Online' 'Run' command to restart the program⮫ “'Online' 'Run'”.
See also 'Online' 'Reset (original)', 'Online' 'Reset (cold)' and - for an overview on reinitialization - Remanent variables⮫ “'Online' 'Reset (original)'”⮫ “'Online' 'Reset (cold)'”.