Shortcut: <Ctrl>+<B>
Use this command in order to insert an operator, a function block, a function or a program as a POU. For this, the connection between the contacts and the coils, or a coil, must be marked. The new POU at first has the designation AND. If you wish, you can change this designation to another one. For this you can also use the input assistant⮫ “'Edit' 'Input assistant'”. Both standard and self-defined POUs are available.
The first input to the POU is placed on the input connection, the first output on the output connection; thus these variables must definitely be of type BOOL. All other in- and outputs of the POU are filled with the text "???". These prior entries can be changed into other constants, variables or addresses. For this you can also use the input assistant⮫ “'Edit' 'Input assistant'”.
For the possibility of entering addresses, of linebreaks for variable names and of comments per contact, coil or function block please see the description of the Ladder Options dialog ⮫ “Comments, networks with linebreaks, 'Extras' 'Options'”.