Under this menu item the information about your project can be saved. When the command has been given, then the following dialog box opens:
The following project information is displayed:
File name
Directory path
The time of the most recent change (Change date)
This information cannot be changed. In addition, you can add the following information:
A Title of the project: Please regard: If supported by the target system, this title automatically will be proposed as project file name, when the project gets loaded by command 'File' 'Open project from PLC' (In this case the dialog for saving a file will open).
the name of the Author,
the Version number, and
a Description of the project.
This information is optional. When you press the button Statistics you receive statistical information about the project.
It contains information such as the number of the POUs, data types, and the local and global variables as they were traced at the last compilation.
The button 'License info' will be available, if you work on a project, which had been saved already with licensing information by the command 'File' 'Save as'. In this case the button opens the dialog 'Edit Licensing Information', where you can modify or remove the license.
If you choose the option 'Ask for project info' in the category 'Load & Save' in the Options dialog box, then while saving a new project, or while saving a project under a new name, the project info dialog is called automatically.