With this command, the compiled project is set up on the controller in such a way that the controller can load it automatically when restarted. Storage of the boot project occurs differently depending on the target system. For example, on 386 systems three files are created: default.prg contains the project code, default.chk contains the code's checksum, default.sts contains the controller status after restart (start/stop).
The command 'Online' 'Create boot project' is also available in offline mode if the project has been built without errors. In this case the following files are created in the projects directory: <projektname>.prg for the boot project code, and <projektname>.chk for the checksum. These files can be renamed as necessary and then be copied to a PLC.
Depending on the target system settings at the creation of a boot project in offline mode a new *.ri file (download information) might be created⮫ “'Online' 'Download'”. Also depending on the target setting a dialog will appear if this file is already existing.
If the project option "Implicit at create boot project" (category Source download) is activated, then the selected sources will be loaded automatically into the controller on the command 'Online' 'Create boot project'⮫ “'Source download'”.