With the FOR loop one can program repeated processes.
INT_Var :INT; FOR <INT_Var> := <INIT_VALUE> TO <END_VALUE> {BY <Step size>} DO <Instructions> END_FOR;
The part in braces {} is optional.
The <Instructions> are executed as long as the counter <INT_Var> is not greater than the <END_VALUE>. This is checked before executing the <Instructions> so that the <instructions> are never executed if <INIT_VALUE> is greater than <END_VALUE>.
When <Instructions> are executed, <INT_Var> is always increased by <Step size>. The step size can have any integer value. If it is missing, then it is set to 1. The loop must also end since <INT_Var> only becomes greater.
FOR Counter:=1 TO 5 BY 1 DO Var1:=Var1*2; END_FOR; Erg:=Var1;
Let us assume that the default setting for Var1 is the value 1. Then it will have the value 32 after the FOR loop.
<END_VALUE> must not be equal to the limit value of the counter <INT_VAR>. For example: If the variable Counter is of type SINT and if <END_VALUE> is 127, you will get an endless loop.