With the commands Contents or Search in the Help menu you can open the help topics window, which will be displayed via the HTML Help Viewer.
The Contents tab shows the contents tree. The books can be opened and closed by a double-click or via the plus and minus signs. That page which is currently selected in the contents tree will be displayed in the right part of the window. Hyperlinks from the text to other help pages resp. expanding hotspots are marked by a different color and an underline. A mouse-click on such texts will open the linked page resp. will show the expanded text or a figure. For example you can click on "Help Topic Window" at the end of this page in order to get displayed a figure of a help window, or you can click on the hyperlink "Context Sensitive Help" in order to get to the respective help page.
In the Index tab you can look for help pages on specific items, in the Search tab a full-text search on all help pages can be done. Follow the instructions in the register cards.
See also: Context sensitive help⮫ “Context sensitive help”.