If Structured display is selected, the POUs, variables or data types will be sorted hierarchically. This is possible for standard programs, standard functions, standard function blocks, defined programs, defined functions, defined function blocks, global variables, local variables, defined types, watch variables. The visual and hierarchical display corresponds to that of the 'Object Organizer'; if elements in a library are referred to, these are inserted in alphabetical order at the very top and the pertinent hierarchy is displayed as in the Library Manager.
The in- and output variables of function blocks which are declared as local or global variables are listed in the category 'Local Variables' or 'Global Variables' under the instance name (e.g. Inst_TP ET, Inst_TP IN,...). To get there, select the instance name (e.g. Inst_TP) and confirm with OK.
For example, if Inst (DeklarationInst: TON;) is selected, the following is inserted:
Inst(IN:= ,PT:=)
If the option is not selected, only the instance name will be inserted. In the graphical languages or in the Watch window, only the instance name is generally inserted.
Components of structures are displayed in an analog fashion to function block instances.
For enumerations, the individual enumeration values are listed under the enumeration type. The order is: enumerations from libraries, enumerations from data types, local enumerations from POUs.
The general rule is that lines containing sub-objects are not selectable (except instances, see above), but can only have their hierarchy display expanded or contracted by one level, as for multi-stage variable names.
If input assistant is invoked in the Watch and Receipt Manager or in the selection of trace variables in the trace configuration dialog, it is possible to make a multiple selection. When the <Shift> key is pressed, you can select a range of variables; when the <Ctrl> key is pressed you can select many individual variables. The selected variables are so marked. If, during range selection lines are selected that do not contain valid variables (e.g. POU names), these lines will not be included in the selection. When individual selections are made, such lines can not be marked.
In the watch window and in trace configuration it is possible to transfer structures, arrays or instances from the Input Assistant dialog. As a double click with the mouse button is associated with the extension or contraction of the element's hierarchy display, selection in these cases can only be confirmed by OK.
Thereafter, the selected variables are inserted line by line in the watch window, that is each selected variable is written on a separate line. In the case of trace variables, each variable is inserted in a separate line of the trace variables list.
If the maximum number of trace variables, 20, is exceeded during insertion of the selected variables, the error message "A maximum of 20 variables is allowed" appears. Further selected variables are then not inserted in the list.
Some entries (e.g. Global Variables) are only updated in the input assistant dialog after compilation.
You can switch to unstructured display through deactivation of option Structured.