Projects can be exported or imported⮫ “'Project' 'Import'”. That allows you to exchange programs between different IEC programming systems.
The selected objects are written to an ASCII file.
POUs, data types, visualizations, and the resources can be exported. In addition, entries in the library manager, that is the linking information to the libraries, can be exported (not the libraries themselves!).


Re-importing an exported FBD or LD POU results in an error if a comment in the graphic editor contains a single quotation mark ('), as this will be interpreted as the beginning of a string!
Once you have made your selection in the dialog box window (the same way as with 'Project' 'Document'⮫ “'Project' 'Document'”), you can decide, whether you want to export the selected parts to one file or to export in separate files, one for each object. Switch on or off the option One file for each object then click on OK. The dialog box for saving files appears. Enter a file name with the expansion ".exp" respectively a directory for the object export files, which then will be saved there with the file name <objectname.exp>.