The basic unit of the FBD and LD programming is a network. Every network contains a structure that can represent 1) a logical or arithmetic expression, 2) the call of a POU (function, function block, program etc.), or 3) a jump or a return instruction. IL actually requires no networks. In CODESYS, however , an IL program also consists of at least one network in order to support conversion to FBD or LD. In view of this you should also divide an IL program meaningfully into networks.
[de] AWL benötigt eigentlich keine Netzwerke. In CODESYS besteht jedoch auch ein AWL-Programm aus mindestens einem Netzwerk, um das Konvertieren in FUP oder KOP zu unterstützen. Im Hinblick darauf sollten Sie auch ein AWL-Programm sinnvoll in Netzwerke unterteilen.
Function Block Diagram (FBD)
Ladder Diagram (LD)
Instruction List (IL)
Programming in the Function Block Diagram (FBD)
Programming in the Ladder Diagram (LD)
Programming in Instruction List (IL)