You can start CODESYS.exe from the command line with the following options and arguments.
<folder>Automation Builder.exe --<option>
Paths or option parameters must be written inside straight quotation marks when they contain spaces, dashes, or slash marks.
Option: --culture (language of the user interface)
Option: --profile (CODESYS profile)
Option: --compare (start project comparison)
Option: --project (open CODESYS project)
Option: --projectarchive (open CODESYS project archive)
Option: --runscript (run script)
Option: --ignorewhitespace (ignore whitespace in project comparison)
Option: --ignorecomments (ignore comments in project comparison)
Option: --ignoreproperties (ignore object properties in project comparison)
Option: --skipunlicensedplugins (do not load components without a license)
Option: --signaturethumbprint (thumbprint of the certificate which is used for signing compiled libraries)
Option: --enforcesignedcompiledlibraries (enforce signing of compiled libraries)
Option: --timestampingserverurl (set the time stamp server address)
Option: --enableEventLog