The input and output variables of a function block can be accessed from another POU by setting up an instance of the function block and specifying the desired variable using the following syntax⮫ “Function block instances”:
<Instance name>.<Variable name>
Assigning parameters at call
If you would like to set input and/or output parameters when you call the function block, you can do this in the supported text languages by assigning values to the parameters after the instance name of the function block in parentheses (for input parameters this assignment takes place using ":=" just as with the initialization of variables at the declaration position, for output parameters "=>" is to be used)⮫ “Variables declaration”.
FBINST is a local variable of type of a function block, which contains the input variable xx and the output variable yy. When FBINST is inserted in a ST program via input assistant, the call will be displayed as follows and then can be supplemented with the desired values: FBINST1(xx:= , yy=> );
InOutVariables at call:
Please regard, that the InOutVariables (VAR_IN_OUT) of a function block are handed over as pointers. For this reason in a call of a function block no constants can be assigned to VAR_IN_OUTs and there is no read or write access from outside to them.
Calling a VAR_IN_OUT variable inout1 of function block fubo in a ST module:
VAR fuboinst:fubo; iVar1:int; END_VAR iVar1:=2; fuboinst(iInOut1:=iVar1);
not allowed in this case: "fuboinst(iInOut1:=2);" or "fuboinst.iInOut1:=2;"
Examples for calling function block FUB
Declaration part
Implementation part in AWL
LD iPar1 MUL iPar2 ST iMulErg LD iPar1 EQ iPar2 ST xVergl
The multiplication result is saved in the variable ERG, and the result of the comparison is saved in QUAD. An instance of FUB with the name INSTANCE is declared.
Examples for calling FUB
Declaration for all examples
PROGRAM AWLaufruf VAR xQuad : BOOL; fubinstanz : FUB; iErg: INT:=0; END_VAR
Calling FUB in ST
PROGRAM STaufruf fubinstanz(iPar1:=5;iPar2:=5); bzw. fubinstanz; QUAD:=fubinstanz.xVergl; ERG:=funbinstanz.iMulErg;
Calling FUB in FBD