- AC500
Standard PLCs
- AC500 V2
Range of AC500 and AC500-XC processor modules
- AC500 V3
Range of AC500 and AC500-XC processor modules
- AC500-eCo
Compact PLCs
- AC500-eCo V2
Range of AC500-eCo processor modules
- AC500-eCo V3
Range of AC500-eCo processor modules
- AC500-S
Safety PLCs
- AC500-S Programming Tool
IEC 61131-3 editor, integrated in engineering suite Automation Builder
- AC500-S-XC
Safety PLCs suitable for extreme environmental conditions
- AC500-XC
Standard PLCs suitable for extreme environmental conditions
- Alarm
Diagnosis message which must be acknowledged by the user. The alarm will continue to be displayed even if the issue has been resolved in the meantime until it is acknowledged.
- Automation Builder
Engineering suite for configuration and programming of all PLCs
- Cold start
Note: The AC500-eCo V3 does not use a battery for buffering the operand areas specified below, hence the “cold start” mode does not exist in this product.
A cold start is performed by switching power OFF/ON if no battery is connected.
All RAM memory modules are checked and erased.
If no user program is stored in the flash EPROM, the default values (as set on delivery) are applied to the interfaces.
If there is a user program stored in the flash EPROM, it is loaded into RAM.
The default operating modes set by the PLC configuration are applied.
- CP600
Control panels for application visualizations
- Data buffering
Data buffering, i.e., maintaining data after power ON/OFF, is only possible, if a battery is connected for AC500 CPU and the buffering will take place in flash memory with AC500-eCo V3 CPU. The following data can be buffered completely or in parts:
Data in the addressable flag area (%M area)
RETAIN variable
PERSISTENT variable (number is limited, no structured variables)
PERSISTENT area (%R area)
In order to buffer particular data, the data must be excluded from the initialization process⮫ “Handling of remanent variables”.
- Download
Download means loading the complete user program into the PLC's RAM. This process is started by selecting the menu item "Online/Download" in the programming system or after confirming a corresponding system message when switching to online mode (menu item "Online/Login").
Execution of the user program is stopped.
In order to store the user program to the user flash memory, the menu item "Online/Create boot project" must be called after downloading the program.
Variables are set to their initialization values according to the initialization table.
RETAIN variables can have wrong values as they can be allocated to other memory addresses in the new project!
A download is forced by the following:
changed PLC configuration
changed task configuration
changed library management
changed compile-specific settings (segment sizes)
execution of the commands "Project/Clean all" and "Project/Rebuild All".
- Event
Diagnosis message which does not require acknowledgement. The event describes the current status of the device. The event disappears once the issue has been resolved.
Human machine interface
- Online change
After a project has changed, only these changes are compiled when pressing the key <F11> or calling the menu item "Project/Build". The changed program parts are marked with a blue arrow in the block list.
The term Online Change means loading the changes made in the user program into the PLC's RAM using the programming system (after confirming a corresponding system message when switching to online mode, menu item "Online/Login").
Execution of the user program is not stopped. After downloading the program changes, the program is re-organized. During re-organization, no further online change command is allowed. The storage of the user program to the user flash memory using the command "Online/Create boot project" cannot be initiated until re-organization is completed.
Online Change is not possible after:
changes in the PLC configuration
changes in the task configuration
changes in the library management
changed compile-specific settings (segment sizes)
performing the commands "Project/Clean all" and "Project/Rebuild All".
- Panel Builder PB610
Engineering tool for control panels, integrated in engineering suite Automation Builder
- Reset
Performs a START -> STOP process.
Preparation for program restart, i.e., the variables (VAR) (exception: RETAIN variables) are set to their initialization values.
Reset is performed using the menu item "Online/Reset" in the programming system or pressing the function key RUN for ≥ 5 s in STOP mode.
- Reset (cold)
Performs a START -> STOP process.
Preparation for program restart, i.e., the variables (VAR) (also RETAIN variables) are set to their initialization values.
Reset (cold) is performed using the menu item "Online/Reset (cold)" in the programming system.
- Reset (original)
Resets the controller to its original state (deletion of flash, SRAM (%M, area, %R area, RETAIN, RETAIN PERSISTENT), Communication Module configurations and user program!).
Reset (original) is performed using the menu item "Online/Reset (original)" in the programming system.
RUN -> STOP means pressing the RUN function key on the PLC while the PLC is in run mode (AC500 PLC display "run", AC500-eCo PLC "RUN LED" is ON).
If a user program is loaded into RAM, execution is stopped.
All outputs are set to FALSE or 0.
Variables keep their current values, i.e., they are not initialized.
The AC500 PLC display changes from "run" to "StoP", AC500-eCo "RUN LED" changes from ON to OFF.
START -> STOP means stopping the execution of the user program in the PLC's RAM using the menu item "Online/Stop" in the programming system.
All outputs are set to FALSE or 0.
Variables keep their current values, i.e., they are not initialized.
The AC500 PLC display changes from "run" to "StoP".
STOP -> RUN means short pressing the RUN function key on the PLC while the PLC is in STOP mode (AC500 PLC display "StoP", AC500-eCo "RUN LED" is ON). "RUN LED" is OFF of the toggle switch of an AC500-eCo CPU.
If a user program is loaded into RAM, execution is continued, i.e., variables will not be set to their initialization values.
The AC500 PLC display changes from "StoP" to "run", AC500-eCo "RUN LED" changes from OFF to ON.
STOP -> START means continuing the execution of the user program in the PLC's RAM using the menu item "Online/Start" in the programming system.
If a user program is loaded into RAM, execution is continued, i.e., variables will not be set to their initialization values.
The AC500 PLC display changes from "StoP" to "run", AC500-eCo PLC "RUN LED" changes from OFF to ON.
- Warm start
A warm start is performed by switching power OFF/ON with a battery connected.
All RAM memory modules are checked and erased except of the buffered operand areas and the RETAIN variables.
If there is a user program stored in the flash EPROM, it is loaded into RAM.
The default operating modes set by the PLC configuration are applied.